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Wild Mallow Iced Coffee

Recette de café glacé à la mauve des bois

                By Gabrielle Pellerin | Photo et stylism: Gabrielle Pellerin                     

PREPARATION: 10 minutes | YIELD : 4 servings


  • 1 sachet of Wild Mallow herbal tea from FloralTea
  • 2 cups of water
  • 3/4  cup of white sugar
  • 4 cups of coffee of your choice
  • Few ice cubes
  • Milk or coffee creamer, optional


  1. Place the water, sugar and tea bag in a small saucepan.

  2. Bring to a gentle boil until the sugar dissolves.

  3. Remove from heat and let steep for 5-7 minutes.

  4. Remove the tea bag and put the syrup in the refrigerator to cool it.

  5. Prepare your coffee and put it in a glass with a few ice cubes.

  6. Add 1 to 2 tablespoons of mallow syrup. Add milk or cream if you take it. Good tasting !

NOTE - You will have a yield of 2 cups of syrup which can last you a long time.

Cheers !

To obtain the Wild Mallow herbal tea blend from FloralTea, Click HERE


« The summer heat continues and I could never drink enough cold drinks. Whether it's morning, noon or evening, I need something cold to drink at all times.


So I concocted a delicious syrup made from Mauve des Bois herbal tea to sweeten your iced coffees in the morning, your lemonades at noon and your cocktails in the evening. It is best to make the syrup the night before and give it time to cool in the refrigerator overnight.


Get off to a good start in September. Boost your return to class or to work, by starting or recharging your day with a good iced coffee with Wild Mallow!


Have a good end of summer!»

Gabrielle Pellerin
Instagram: @gabepllrn

​Ranked in the top 15 foodie foodie influencers in Quebec, Chef Gabrielle Pellerin shares mouth-watering content on her Instagram account @gabepllrn several times a day! Comfort food enthusiast, you will find inspiration for simple everyday dishes, but also a variety of gourmet recipes to wow your family and friends. Nominated for the Saveur Blog Awards 2017 for the most inspired weekday dinners, Gabrielle Pellerin is Chef & Recipe Developer at Cook It. This Montreal ready-to-cook firm ranked in the top 3 in Canada offers, prepares and delivers to its customers the ingredients of the recipes concocted by Gabrielle, in more than 15,000 boxes of subscriptions per week. Thanks to the delivery of this kitchen box, the many fans of Gabrielle's simple and comforting cuisine can make the Chef's succulent creations in the comfort of their home.

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